Become A salon22 ally
Join us in empowering remarkable women.
At Salon22, we're not just a professional women's club; we're a vibrant community of leaders and changemakers dedicated to diversity and inclusivity in New Orleans. Our members enjoy a beautifully designed space for co-working, networking, and personal growth, with inspiring events, coaching, and wellness programs.
We believe in supporting others as they chase their dreams, which is why we offer opportunities for you to contribute to our mission and make an impact on local female entrepreneurs, sheroes, and students.
Join us in empowering these remarkable women and creating a thriving community where everyone's potential can shine.
Empower Change By Sponsoring A Member
Our Sponsored Memberships offer you a unique opportunity to support the women leaders of New Orleans.
Sponsor an individual Workspace Member for 1 year.
Sponsor an individual meet up Member for 1 year.
Your generosity goes towards a fund to support the sponsorship of a member.
A sponsorship can be named for a specific individual, or unnamed with funds going into the Access Fund account and allocated four times a year to women changemakers with demonstrated need.
Sponsor an individual shero Member for 1 year.
We applaud and appreciate our teachers, military service members, and civil servants. They are truly Salon Sheros!
6 and 12-month sponsorships are available.
Sponsorship benefits are tailored to your objectives. Examples include:
Company logo, hyperlink on Corporate Alliance page on the website.
Speaking opportunity at Salon22 promoted program.
Newsletter feature or member portal post.
Access to all networking, educational programming, and keynote speakers.
Sampling / Pop-up / Material Distribution
Discount on rental space.
The company will sponsor a scholarship.
Email to learn more about Salon22 Corporate Sponsorship.
SPONSOR an intern
The future of our city depends on fostering and retaining the talent that resides here. Join us in supporting our future leaders by helping fund a Salon22 intern. You’ll help an undergrad or recent grad build their resume while also supporting a women-owned, majority-minority-owned start-up business. Each intern will be part of the Corporate Immersion Leadership Institute, a program supporting students of color by connecting them with local employers.
Option 1: Donate Directly to Salon22
Your direct donation to Salon22 will go toward funding internships, providing hands-on experience, mentorship, and opportunities for young talents to flourish within our community.
Option 2: Donate through The Career Immersion & Leadership Institute (CILI)
For those seeking a 501c3 tax write-off, you can make your donation through The Career Immersion & Leadership Institute (CILI). Be sure to specify "Salon22 Intern" in the "Donation Purpose" and "Comment Box" to direct your funds to our internship program.
If you'd like to be recognized on our website for your invaluable contribution, please send us an email after submitting your donation through CILI.
Your support will make a lasting impact on the development of future leaders and changemakers at Salon22. Thank you for investing in the next generation. As a thank you, your logo will be added to our website.